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Our annual Chili Cook-Off happens in October and gives an opportunity for those talented in the kitchen to show off their chili making skills. Everyone comes together for a night of friendly competition and fellowship!
Our Ladies Day is an uplifting event for ladies that occurs annually in the fall. This is a great way for women from local congregations and the community to come together to study a part of God's word and build relationships.
Our VBS Breakouts are on the first Monday of the summer months from 10am-12pm. The kids learn an exciting story from God's Word, do fun activities related to that story, and have a meal.
Our Love Feast is a special meal we share together on the third Sunday of each month. The early church had love feasts to foster mutual affection among the members (Jude 12), and we seek to do the same.
Our Annual Singing is a special evening during the fall. We join together with local congregations. The men take turns leading songs as we lift up our voices to God.
Next Gen Revive is our annual youth event that takes place in the spring. It is a time for young adults ages 12 and up to be encouraged and to build relationships.
Our Basketball and Softball Tournaments happen in the fall and spring. They help foster relationships outside the walls of the building.
We have Family Game Nights several times a year here at the building. It gives our families another opportunity to build relationships outsides our service times.
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